Saturday, June 8, 2024


Anxiety snuck in
Hidden in the third scoop of coffee,
To be with each new thing. 

Anxiety told me
Things needed to be done. 
Together we made a list. 

I can't do that, I'm not good enough 
Don't worry, I'll help you. 

I can't make it that far, I'm not strong enough
Don't worry, I'll carry you. 

I can't stand another day of it
Don't worry, I'll be right beside you. 

I can't
Don't worry

Thank you, Anxiety,
You can go now. 
You've done your job. 

Please shut the door on your way out, 
Lest Pride slip in behind you. 

Thank you, God. 
For the strength to do my part. 
Now help me to relinquish control to you and enjoy the ride. 

Protect me, Oh Lord, hide me
From Anxiety, for she lurks, 
And from Pride, who thinks that he 
Does the job better than You. 

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